Our Commitment to Ethical Journalism

At Rasmal, Inc. we are steadfast in our commitment to uphold the highest standards of journalism ethics. Our dedication to truth, accuracy, fairness, and accountability is at the core of everything we do. This page outlines our commitment to these principles, ensuring trust and credibility with our audience and the communities we serve.

Truth and Accuracy:

We strive to report stories with accuracy and honesty. Our journalists and contributors are expected to fact-check their content rigorously and present all relevant facts and information. We aim to provide our readers with a complete and undistorted picture of the events and issues we cover.

Fairness and Impartiality:

Our content is created with impartiality and fairness. We provide balanced viewpoints and ensure that all sides of a story are represented. Our goal is to inform, not influence, and we avoid allowing our biases to shape the way we report news and stories.


We hold ourselves accountable for the information we disseminate. We are open to feedback and corrections from our readers. If we make mistakes, we are committed to acknowledging them and correcting them promptly.


We are transparent about our journalistic processes and decisions. When conflicts of interest arise, we disclose them. Our readers deserve to know the source of our information and the basis for our reporting.


We approach our journalistic duties with respect for the dignity and privacy of the people we report about. We are sensitive in our reporting on stories that involve grief or tragedy, and we ensure that our practices do not harm individuals or communities.

Innovation and Diversity:

While we are rooted in traditional journalistic values, we also embrace the evolving nature of media. We are committed to fostering diversity in our stories and among our team, bringing a wide range of perspectives to our audience.

Contact Us:

For inquiries, feedback, or to report a concern about our content, please contact us at